honeylab's blog


Hack to avoid for PSC ignore almost of Keyboard or Mouse with Bluetooth

You know, press some keyboard on PSC show emulator menu, 

but almost of keybord is ignored by PSC kernel.

Because kernel is built with this config.

"ignore USB Mouse and Keyboard"

 Some of keyboard which it can work on PSC , it is reading raw USB code.


this code shows kernel blocks any USB-Keyboard or USB-Mouse to use HID device.

I can remove because this is built-in driver .


Then , I will use Bluetooth keyboard or Mouse

BT-keyboard or Mouse will not be handled USB-HID but Bluetooth HIDP layer.


Compile bluetooth kernel modules from Sony OSS linux kernel.

GitHub - bakueikozo/psc_bluetooth

There are pre-built bluetooth kernel module drivers and bluz binalies executable.

insmod with my script

insmod drivers/bluetooth.ko
insmod drivers/bcm203x.ko
insmod drivers/btbcm.ko
insmod drivers/btintel.ko
insmod drivers/btmrvl.ko
insmod drivers/btqca.ko
insmod drivers/btrtl.ko
insmod drivers/btsdio.ko
insmod drivers/ath3k.ko
insmod drivers/btusb.ko
insmod drivers/bpa10x.ko
insmod drivers/hci_uart.ko
insmod drivers/hci_vhci.ko
insmod drivers/hidp.ko


 BT keyboard and mouse are used as /dev/input[n] 

And some Bluetooth Gamepad are woked on PSC!!